Wednesday 7 July 2010

And then the fat lady sang to me and four others.

Well Kids,

It's been a great ride. Thank you Mtv for giving me this great opportunity, if you ever need a creative film maker you know how to contact me.

Big love to all the contestants, even though we never met, it felt like we shared something.

Thank you to all the supporters whether they are friends, family or fans, You guys were awesome!!

and a special congratulations to the top 5!!

And with that, I bid you farewell,

Richard Olsen

Wow! Look at the rise of likes!!

How many people are voting tonight? Let's give it up with a show of likes on this blog.

I know, it seems helpless, so many votes and we're still stuck at 7th... But no point giving up early right?

Introducing: Volbeat

To all my Scandinavian Voters! This is a band called Volbeat from Denmark. An interesting mix of music that sounds a bit like Johnny Cash, Metalica, and Elvis rolled into one.
This was introduced to me by Dorthea Gjelsvik, who is the sister of my best friend Ole when I was in Primary School In Dover Court in Singapore... She is the person who originally got me into such bands as Guns n Roses, Metalica, Pantera and Nirvana. :D
I would've been a completely different person if I never listened to her music blasting from her room as I was playing lego. :D

Oke... a lil edit here.. MTV website cannot play youtube videos... So here is the link... Really listen to them... It's awesome.

The final 7 hours

Well Kids,

7 hours left, and it's been one hell of a ride for all of the contestants... I'd like to say good luck to the top 10... Got talking to some of you and think you are all awesome and deserving of the top 5. Thank you for all the voters and supporters that helped to get us all this far, we wouldn't have made it without you!
Apa Lagi semua yang mendukung saya dari Indonesia!! Dan keluarga saya yang setiap hari ngevote gila gilaan haha. Terimah kasih untuk semuanya... Saya harap kita masih ada waktu merebut ke top 5! Ayo Indonesia Vote terus!!

Still time to catch up guys, keep those votes coming! And all the friends from overseas that have been voting when Asia is asleep. My god you helped me so much hahaha.

Love you all!
-Richard Olsen

Tuesday 6 July 2010

VJ Utt's Challenge: Richard's Blog Rox

Hey Kids,
Finally got this thing up. Phew... Here it is. Enjoy!

VJ Utt's Challenge: Richard's Blog Rox from Richard Olsen on Vimeo.

Saturday 3 July 2010


Ready for more crazy adventures kids?

This was a bit rushed... But hey, Enjoy.
This is my way of showcasing my city and friends. Thank you to all that was involved, it was fun :D
Wished I had more footage though.

MTV VJ HUNT CHALLENGE #2: STORY TELLER from Richard Olsen on Vimeo.